Let Duniakagyan walk you through a few ideas for the economics project topics. What to include, tips, reference links, and cover-page design ideas are also there to make things easier for you.
Over the past few centuries, human civilization has grown exceedingly complex. Unlike the primitive bartering systems used in the past, we now deal with a global economy with many moving parts to it. That necessitates the handling of money, business, industry, and other related dynamics. And that’s precisely what you are studying in your 12th or undergraduate economics program.
There’s no better way to learn economics (or any subject) than through projects. That’s why schools and colleges ask students to complete an economics project. Thankfully, it is a multi-disciplinary subject combining history, political science, and sociology. Plus, it’s dynamic, meaning it evolves with time. So, you have immense scope for project research on the subject.
If you, too, have a project, read on – as we discuss the best economics topics for a college project. What to include, tips & tricks, reference links, and cover-page design ideas are just a bonus.
10 Best Economics Project Topics for College Students
1. Best Economics Project Topics: Pandemic and the Global Economy
COVID-19 was harsh on us all. Every nation and every industry suffered. The world saw extensive lockdowns that brought the global economy to a grinding halt. With little to no international trade, the economies struggled to sustain themselves. Even after the pandemic is over, governments are having a hard time dealing with the short-term & long-term implications of the economic disaster.
The “impact of the pandemic on the global economy” could be among the best college or class 12 economics project topics. You have plenty of scope for research with ample info available online.
What to Include?
Click here for a few economics project ideas you should include for an impressive project. (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k7A2TWhMgCpmoOBo4vEv3BffdFaAxuGXO1W0NkkV-OE/edit)
Tips & Tricks:
Since stats add authenticity to claims, ensure putting plenty of them wherever required.
Reference Materials:
- The World Bank: The economic impacts of the COVID-19 crisis (https://www.worldbank.org/en/publication/wdr2022/brief/chapter-1-introduction-the-economic-impacts-of-the-covid-19-crisis)
- Statista: Impact of the Pandemic on the Global Economy – Statistics & Facts (https://www.statista.com/topics/6139/covid-19-impact-on-the-global-economy/#topicOverview)
- Frontiers: COVID-19 outbreak: Impact on Global Economy (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpubh.2022.1009393/full)
- Wikipedia: Economic Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_impact_of_the_COVID-19_pandemic)
2. Best Economics Project Topics: Demonetization

When GOI announced NOTEBANDI (demonetization) on 8th November 2016, the Rupees 500 and 1000 denomination banknotes became obsolete. The idea was to bring down corruption, narco-trade, circulation of counterfeit currency, and terror funding. It was a big step with far-reaching impact. As such, it is a great idea for economics class 12 projects as well as college projects.
What to Include?
As one of the best economics project topics, there’s a lot to include in the project. (https://docs.google.com/document/d/17Ff-hOqd8O8lZL05NMMncfurgDIq69-of3_3kiHmg7I/edit)
Tips & Tricks:
For an impactful economics project, you should mention the strikes, stock market crashes, deaths due to cash shortages, reduction in human trafficking and money laundering, and lastly, increased tax net in different sections. Ensure to include pictures of old and new currency notes for a stronger impression. If time permits, you can even talk about how it helped the spread of digital payments.
Reference Materials:
- Investopedia: Demonetization: Meaning, Example, and How It Works (https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/demonetization.asp)
- The Great Indian Demonetization: Amartya Lahiri (PDF) (https://pubs.aeaweb.org/doi/pdfplus/10.1257/jep.34.1.55)
- Wikipedia: 2016 Indian Banknote Demonetization (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Indian_banknote_demonetisation)
3. Best Economics Project Topics: GST
One Nation, One Tax, and One Market! It served as the baseline for Goods and Services Tax (GST) when enacted on 1st July 2017, just 8 months after demonetization. Think of GST as a destination-oriented tax applicable at multiple stages. With the implementation of GST, indirect taxes just vanished. Given its complex structure, GST is too complicated for the common man to understand.
You can choose this topic for your next economics project in class 12, 11, or college with proper research. It’s an opportunity to deconstruct the complexity of this tax law for easy understanding. The knowledge, thus acquired, will come in handy if you plan to pursue chartered accountancy.
What to Include?
- The prime motive behind GST
- Types of GST with Explanations and Implications
- Inclusions and Exclusions
- Recently Implemented Changes in GST
- Tax laws before GST
- GST and price reductions
Tips & Tricks:
Research the latest amendments and guidelines laid down by the GST Council. Also, it’s important to mention how GST has helped or hindered India’s economic growth. Use plenty of stats and charts.
Reference Materials:
- BASICS OF GST (PDF): https://wirc-icai.org/images/material/BASICS-GST.pdf
- Department of Revenue: FAQs on GST (PDF) (https://dor.gov.in/sites/default/files/GST_FAQ.pdf)
- CBIC: GST Concepts & Status: PDF (https://gstcouncil.gov.in/sites/default/files/GST-Concept%20and%20Status01062019.pdf)
4. Best Economics Project Topics: Digital India
The Digital India Movement is transforming India digitally. And the transformation is evident in the virtual field. People paying via cards and money transfer apps is a common sight now. Even the man of the street is accessing Government services electronically from their PCs and gadgets, and India is on the cusp of emerging as a knowledge economy. It’s all thanks to this flagship program of GOI.
Why not base your next economics project for college on the Digital India initiative? The Digital India Project class 12 or college will help you understand how disruptive technology like the internet can change things for good. plus, you have plenty of information available online and offline.
What to Include?
Your Digital India project for class 12 should include these sections: (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1M3weZ10W6_X7pSSFG5a36aG_2_MnDUNEMVlIfDBWz5w/edit)
Tips & Tricks:
Describing a few success stories or examples of how Digital India has transformed specific sectors is a good idea. It will help readers gauge the significance of the initiative in the long term.
Reference Materials:
- GOI: Digital India (PDF): (https://www.meity.gov.in/sites/upload_files/dit/files/Digital%20India.pdf)
- Wikipedia: Digital India (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_India)
- Byjus: Digital India – Challenges, Advantages, Digitalization: (https://byjusexamprep.com/upsc-exam/digital-india-upsc#toc-5)
5. Best Economics Project Topics: Globalization
Wondering what is globalization? Countries, industries, economies, cultures, and societies cannot grow in isolation. They require global interaction and integration through international trade and partnerships. This interdependence is known as globalization. Herein, people, ideas, technologies, goods & services move freely across geographical borders to benefit one another.
While globalization has shaped the modern-day world, it has its share of trade-offs. That makes globalization one of the simple yet exciting economics project topics for degree students and economics class 12 project. You can consider it if you don’t want to put in much time and effort.
What to include?
- Globalization Characteristics
- Positive Effects and Implications
- A Brief History of Globalization
- Future of Globalization
Tips: Take a holistic approach while discussing the effects and implications. It is advisable to include how globalization impacts people, economies, countries, technologies, and more to get a bigger picture.
6. Tax Reforms
Taxes have a direct impact on most of us. An economics project on tax reforms is always recommended. You will have a lot to discuss, such as revenue enhancement reforms, why there’s a need for reforms in India and more. Later you will need to debate what effect the reforms will have on the economic climate. A few subtopics that need to be discussed include:
- Fiscal policy of India
- Fiscal system
- Indirect and Direct taxes
- Tax evasion
- Tax rates
- Subsidies, etc.
7. Standard of Living (SoL)

“Standard of Living” is the measure of the material wealth and sources of comfort an individual or group in a given geography possesses. Typically, SoL is determined on a variety of criteria, such as income, occupation, education, healthcare, nutrition, environment, and other material situations.
Do not mistake Sol for Quality of Life (QoL), as they are two different things, although used interchangeably. While SoL is all about material aspects of life, QoL takes into account intangible aspects like life satisfaction, self-reported happiness, subjective well-being, and cultural factors.
What to Include?
Typically, you can use the following in your Economics Project Topics on Standard of Living: (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_TA8R4iQBRFpAAtVgG7ESZqB8gr5oTEHUyJ-FSN2lAo/edit)
Tips & Tricks:
You must take a mixed group of individuals for your project and include a selected group’s objectives and income level. Also, factor in literacy rates, the economic status of that area, poverty, employment facilities, political controls, and more to get a holistic idea of the standard of living.
Reference Materials:
- Wikipedia: Standard Of Living: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_of_living)
- Discussing Approaches to Standard of Living (PDF): https://www.researchgate.net/publication/332257785_Discussing_Approaches_to_Standard_of_Living
- Investopedia: Standard of Living Definition, How To measure: (https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/standard-of-living.asp#:~:text=Standard%20of%20living%20generally%20refers,personal%20liberty%20or%20environmental%20quality.)
8. Government Budget
The Union Budget is presented by the Department of Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Finance. Earlier, it was presented in two categories – Railway Budget and General Budget. However, since 2017, it has been merged into the General Budget, presented once a year. It is relevant, dynamic, and has a lot of scope for research, which makes it a good economics topic for a college project.
What to Include?
You can consider this evergreen economics project topic and include the following: (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ubRRMUsGpe2148zRsNj1mLSnG0MS8JHgGEDNRkithbo/edit#heading=h.xt489xlety1o)
Tips & Tricks:
You can also cover current issues like the ‘Impact of COVID-19 on the Union Budget’, the ‘Rise in Petrol Prices,’ and the ‘Black Economy,’ etc. Also, discuss the challenges faced by the government in balancing its budget. This will add value and nuance to your economics project work.
Reference Materials:
- GOI: Union Budget (https://www.indiabudget.gov.in/)
- Wikipedia: Government Budget: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government_budget#:~:text=A%20government%20budget%20is%20a,correspond%20with%20the%20calendar%20year.)
- Drishti IAS: Government Budgeting (PDF): https://www.drishtiias.com/pdf/1591800322-government-budgeting.pdf
9. Poverty and Unemployment Alleviation Programmes
Poverty is the most pressing issue that the world is facing currently. As an economics student, you must be aware of how poverty and unemployment go hand in hand. You take care of one, the other takes care of itself. No wonder, the government of India, from time to time, comes up with various different programs that address the issue of poverty through employment.
It is a good idea to base your project on the “Poverty and Unemployment Alleviation Programs. This is one of the best economics project topics for learning and grades at school and college levels.
What to include?
- Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana
- Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana
- The Employment Assurance (EAS)
- Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana
- Annapurna Yojana
- National Social Assistance Scheme
- National Maternity Benefit Scheme
- NOAPS, IRDP, and NREGA, etc.
10. Environmental Pollution
Our environment is vulnerable to pollutants. When the exposure to toxicity is prolonged, the environment degrades. Environmental pollution comes in all shapes and sizes, from air and sound to water and nuclear pollution. It’s the easiest and the most common class 11 economics and EVS projects for class 12.
What to include?
- Cost-Benefit Analysis of Pollution
- Environmental Laws
- Environmental Acts
- Purpose to Save the Environment
Tips: You can add types of pollutants, causes of environmental pollution, and more. However, don’t elaborate much on these to avoid making the project too generic.
Economics Project Cover Page Design Ideas & Tips
Now that your economics project is done, it’s time to design a cover page. Mind you, colleges often require you to present the project with a cover page featuring all essential information regarding the project. Plus, a well-designed cover page can attract attention and good grades, even if it isn’t a compulsory part of the project. After all, it’s the first thing your professor will notice when presented with the project. When high stakes are high, you cannot ignore the design of the economics project cover page. So, here are a few proven ideas to help you develop an engaging cover page.
Tip 1: Provide the required info
The cover page is all about giving insights into the project. So, it should feature all key info, including:
1. Project Title | 2. College Logo | 3. Author Name | 4. Professor Name |
5. Topic Introduction | 6. Contact Info | 7. Credits & citations | 8. Confidentiality Statement |
Tip 2: Keep it clear and precise
While it’s crucial to state the aim of the project and a description, avoid stuffing too much info on the cover page. Instead, keep it clear, precise, and creative. You are better off choosing an appealing page clipart when designing in MS Word. It shouldn’t be flashy, ambiguous, untidy, or unacademic.
Tip 3: Keep the dimensions right
The size of the cover page is an important consideration. Anything too big or small will reflect poorly on you and undermine your effort. The thumb rule is keeping it smaller than the project’s main body.
Tip 3: Format it right
An attractive cover page is one with the proper formatting. Unless specified, you are better off with the Times New Roman font with the standard 12-point. Ensure the text is double-spaced for more precise reading. Also, capitalize the first letter of each word in the title, except for the propositions and articles.
Economics shapes our world and choices. However, to know what Economics is, we need to know what isn’t Economics. It doesn’t involve finances or how to make fortunes. Even though some economists in bow-ties might preempt the future of a particular economy, it’s never the prime concern of economics. Instead, the subject is all about people and the decisions they make.
Speaking of decisions, we must have helped you choose economic project topics that meet your learning and other needs.
That was our list of top 10 economics project ideas. Hopefully, you will find a topic for your project quickly that meets your learning and other needs. When doing the project, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the topic, which is, of course, the end goal of this activity.
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